Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friday Dress Code

Just a reminder that Friday dress code has changed. Fridays will no longer be non-uniform days. There will be a few days that are non-uniform, but you will be notified in advance if they are. Please note that change on the refrigerator sheet I sent home on open house night. Thursdays are still mass uniform day (red shirt and black bottoms). If you have any questions regarding uniforms, please let me know. Have a great day!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Round Trip Folders

I sent home new round trip folders for your child, today. I would like the folders to go between home and school every day. The children will put their graded papers/tests and any other mail in them for you to see. You will also find any homework in the folder. Most homework is due the following day unless noted otherwise in their planner. Please help your child get into the habit of using this folder, so items make it to and from school in one piece. Thanks so much. I hope you are enjoying the beginning of the school year, and please do not hesitate to ask questions if needed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

See You Tomorrow

Thank you all for a wonderful open house on Monday night. It was awesome to see all the support all of you have for your children. They are lucky to have you and St. Michael's is lucky to have you as well. Wednesday through Friday will be a little bit of a whirlwind in our classroom. We will begin a more normal scheduled week next Monday. My daughter is starting preschool this year, and her school has an open house on Thursday morning. Mrs. Wilde will be subbing in my classroom on Thursday morning and I will be back for the afternoon.

I am looking forward to a fun, faith-filled year with your child. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. After school is usually the best time to reach me. 3rd grade will be in a specialist class at the end of every day from 2-3pm. I will be available for phone calls then, as well. Have a great beginning of the school year. I hope it is stress-free and wonderful. See you on Wednesday!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to School!

The classroom is almost ready, and so am I. I am excited to start a new school year with a big class of 3rd graders. It's going to be a great year. Get ready to work hard and have fun. I will see you all on Monday, August 20th for Open House. You can bring all of your supplies and leave them in the room. We will organize everything on the first day of school. You will also have a small homework assignment due on the first day of school. You can find out more about it at open house. See you all soon!