Thursday, January 31, 2013

Catholic Schools Week!

We are in full swing of Catholic Schools Week and everyone is having a great time! 3rd graders are still managing to get a lot done in the classroom, including our social studies test and multiplication facts. They are doing a great job with multiplication and I hope the songs aren't getting stuck in our mom and dad's heads as much as they are in the 3rd graders' heads!

A few people have asked questions about Valentine's Day. 3rd graders will make a container or bag for their valentines here at school. You do not need to send a box for your child. Here is our class list. I will also send a printed form of this home next week.


If you have any other questions about it, please let me know! Thanks!

Happy Catholic Schools Week! Thank you for choosing to send your children to a Catholic school and offering them a faith-filled start to their education.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Thanks again to all the volunteers who helped make clay for our landform project. The 3rd graders had a great time, and we ended up with a lot of extra clay. The class got some of the extra clay to make anything that they wanted. We have very creative 3rd graders!

Here are a some pictures of the class making their landforms and a few pictures of the final products.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Back to the routine!

We are back at it! We have been working hard today getting back into the swing of things in the classroom. We used the morning to clean and rearrange desks, write about our Christmas breaks and have a class meeting.

We will also begin multiplication this week, and we will begin working on writing in cursive as well. 3rd graders will begin learning about vertebrates and invertebrates in science. I will also be looking for volunteers to make  a type of play-doh at home for us to make landforms in the classroom. The recipe is simple and we will begin the landforms on Friday this week. I will send a note home about it today (Monday) looking for volunteers. If you are able to help out, please return the note on Tuesday and keep the recipe for yourself at home. Thanks in advance for helping us with this project!

Our 2nd trimester mid-term cutoff date will be this Friday. I will send home mid-term reports next week.

Happy New Year everyone and as always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.