Thursday, October 24, 2013

We're done!!

As a celebration for finishing our North Dakota State Testing, we made our topographical maps today. The 3rd graders are busy making islands that have peninsulas, rivers, lakes, volcanoes, hills, mountains, valleys and plateaus. They are learning how to distinguish between plateaus, mountains and hills. They are messy and loving it!! Here are a few pictures from our day! Tomorrow we will paint them. I'll try to add some pictures of that fun, too.

A couple views of our final projects 

What a fun afternoon! We are all glad to be done with our testing. Just a few reminders. You will find the coupon for bracelets for Harvest Hoe Down in your family file folder sent home today (Thursday). 3rd grade will have a test on the Ten Commandments tomorrow. We also have a spelling test. We finished reviewing for our science test, but we won't have a lot of time at home to study. I am going to make it an open note test because I don't want to stretch it out to another week. I'd like to move on to something new next week. Hope to see you all at Harvest Hoe Down! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Fun(d) Fest Baskets

Please note a change to the date for turning in basket donations. I would like to have everything here by tomorrow (October 23rd) if possible. Our dates got a little mixed up with the Fun(d) Fest organizers and they would like them turned in as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding, and thank you to all those who have donated items to our basket!

Monday, October 21, 2013

North Dakota State Testing

Please remember that we are beginning our ND State Testing this week. We will have 5 different reading and language arts tests and 3 math tests. So far this morning the testing is going well! They are working hard and taking their time. We've almost finished 2 parts of our reading and language arts. We broke up our morning with a long break of free time and snack. 

Please remember to send 2 snacks each day. We need some extra energy to get us through these few days. We will still have a spelling test this week, just so we don't get off track too much for our school year. We will also have a short science test this week. Your child will come home with a ziploc bag of science cards to study. We may have a few short math lessons for homework as well, but I am planning on keeping the week pretty light for at home work. 

Don't forget that we have Harvest Hoe Down this Thursday in the school gym. Costumes are allowed, but please make sure they are appropriate and not too scary. It is a family event, so young children will be there, too. 

We are still taking donations for our Fall Fun(d) Fest basket. We have Candyland, Sequence for Kids, Farkle, a puzzle, hair beading set, jewelry making set, and Dominoes. We are looking for some other games, snacks or drinks to add to the collection. You can send items in until the end of this week. If you'd like to send a cash donation, feel free to do so by the end of the week as well. I will go shopping with that money this weekend. Thanks to all who have donated already! 

If you have any questions about what's going on in the classroom, please let me know. Have a great week. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Fun(d) Fest baskets

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our silent auction basket. Here is a quick update of the items we have so far:

hair beader
jewelry kit
Sequence for Kids

If you are looking for some other ideas, here are some choices:

board games
art supplies
or cash donations ( I do love to go shopping!)

If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Please remember that conferences are coming up next week. If you are unsure of your time, please contact me through e-mail at

Also, thank you to those of you who have donated items for the silent auction basket. Our theme is family game night/rainy day. I only have a few items so far, so please consider donating if you can. You do receive commitment points for the dollar amount you donate. Thank you!