Thursday, October 24, 2013

We're done!!

As a celebration for finishing our North Dakota State Testing, we made our topographical maps today. The 3rd graders are busy making islands that have peninsulas, rivers, lakes, volcanoes, hills, mountains, valleys and plateaus. They are learning how to distinguish between plateaus, mountains and hills. They are messy and loving it!! Here are a few pictures from our day! Tomorrow we will paint them. I'll try to add some pictures of that fun, too.

A couple views of our final projects 

What a fun afternoon! We are all glad to be done with our testing. Just a few reminders. You will find the coupon for bracelets for Harvest Hoe Down in your family file folder sent home today (Thursday). 3rd grade will have a test on the Ten Commandments tomorrow. We also have a spelling test. We finished reviewing for our science test, but we won't have a lot of time at home to study. I am going to make it an open note test because I don't want to stretch it out to another week. I'd like to move on to something new next week. Hope to see you all at Harvest Hoe Down! 

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