Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Uniforms and more...

A few reminders and updates:

Thursday- Mass uniform required, red shirt, black bottoms
Friday- this week will be Spirit Day for Potato Bowl. Your child may wear any UND apparel or any other team sport items they would like. Hats/caps are also allowed this Friday, however if they become a distraction in the classroom, I will ask them to keep it in their backpack. 
Wednesday Sept. 12- 3rd grade's first Mass of the year!  Please join us if you are available. 
First Friday of every month- Father Pfeifer will be having reconciliation for 3rd graders every 1st Friday of the month. The second Friday of the month we will pray the Rosary in the church. Father will also do reconciliation for 4th and 5th graders on the other Fridays. 

We will be having our 1st math test of the year tomorrow. We reviewed a lot of the place value problems in class today and I am hoping they all feel confident. 

While we are still getting used to being back at school and being responsible for our own things, please help your child remember to bring homework, folders and planners to school everyday. As we move on through the year, I will remind them less and I ask you to do the same. I want them to be responsible for their own belongings and homework. 

We had a class visitor today....Levi's frog! All of the class got the chance to see or hold the frog. It was a fun way to start our afternoon. We used up all the paper towels in our room with all of our hand washing! 

I hope the start of the year has been great for you all. As always if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail, write a note, or call. I am enjoying getting to know all of these wonderful students. 

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