Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ecosystem Projects

Today we began a chapter on ecosystems. We discussed the definition and what makes up an ecosystem (living and non-living things). Our ecosystem chapter leads us to our BIG third grade project on ecosystems. Your child will be bringing home a packet of information about the project today. We discussed all of the guidelines and they asked some great questions. If you find they, or you, have other questions as you are working on it, please do not hesitate to call or send an e-mail.

You will see a sheet of paper about food chains and food webs attached to the guidelines. We have not learned about those in class yet, so I asked the class to work on that part of the project a little later.

Your child will choose one of the listed ecosystems and create any type of poster board that illustrates the animals, plants and landscapes of that ecosystem. I asked them to do most of the work on their own (drawing, coloring, writing), but feel free to help where needed (internet, spelling).

They will also have to write a paper about their ecosystem including the weather that is found there. On the packet website page I attached, you will find a website for average yearly temperature for each ecosystem. It is a NASA website, but I found that it may be under construction or temporarily deleted in the next few days. You may have to do some other research for the weather and precipitation. Let me know if you are having a hard time with that part. Otherwise all the other websites should be working sites. Just be careful typing them into the search bar.

Take a look at the guidelines and expectations. If you have any questions please let me know. Your child should have a pretty good idea about what to do, but sometimes information gets lost between school and home!

Have fun with the project, and please let your child do most of the work!

PROJECTS ARE DUE MONDAY MARCH 4th! We will present them to other classes beginning on MARCH 5th! 

This is the cover page of the information that was sent home. If your child misplaces any parts of the packet, please let me know and we will get another one sent home. 

Ecosystem Project
3rd grade

Here are the guidelines for your ecosystem project

1.  You may choose one ecosystem listed on the next page.

2.  You need to design that ecosystem on a poster board or tag board.

3.   Include the animals, plants and landscapes that would be found in that ecosystem.

4.   You will also need to write a short report (3 or 4 paragraphs) about your ecosystem. When you write the paper, please include your favorite animals and plants from the ecosystem and what type of weather (temperature and precipitation) would be found there as well. Make sure to do your writing in your own words and use what you have learned in writer’s workshop about how to write a paragraph.

5.   Your poster and report are due on March 4th. All work should be completed at home. We will have other classrooms come to visit our classroom, so be prepared to answer questions about your ecosystem.

6.  You may use any resources you would like, but the websites included would be very helpful. Some websites will take you directly to the animals, weather, plants or land description. Some websites will take you to a homepage and you will have to look around for your information.

7.   Have fun and I can’t wait to see your projects!

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