Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you to all of the family members who came to our class Ash Wednesday Mass. We didn't get a lot of time to practice with a snow day on Monday and a funeral in the church on Tuesday, but the kids did an amazing job! I was very impressed with how well they kept it together when we practiced in a somewhat loud and crazy environment in the church after the funeral. Awesome job 3rd graders!

We enjoyed a small Valentine party this afternoon in the classroom. We had 3 stations. The first one was Punny Valentines. You will see it come home. It has 6 pictures and silly puns written under each valentine picture. The 2nd station was a Bible verse written out with the letters VALENTINE. Our 3rd activity was an ending project to our life cycle/living things chapter in science. They had to make a life cycle of a butterfly using shapes of pasta. They did a great job on all stations, and it was fun to hear them doing science review without even thinking about it at the butterfly station.

A few reminders and upcoming dates:

Friday February 15th-Stations of the Cross in the Church 8:45am, Science test in class as well
Friday February 22nd-No School, teacher in-service day, end of 2nd trimester
March 5, 7- Parent/Teacher conferences You will get a notice from the office as this date approaches.
Friday March 8th-No School (Conference Trade Day)

I will hand out report cards during conferences, and I will also be discussing your child's scores on the ND State test we took in October. We are mapping the results and will have them ready for distribution during conference week.

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