Monday, April 29, 2013

And so it begins....

Our 3rd grade crazy week!!!

Here is a detailed description of our next week or so in 3rd grade:

-Play practice 10:30-11:30
-Practice for May Crowning Mass
-Practice/discuss Confirmation and Holy Eucharist in the classroom
-STUDY for Social Studies test tomorrow (no spelling test this week)

-Dress rehearsal 1:00pm in the gym  Make sure ALL costumes are here in the morning.
-Spring Show 6:00pm in the gym

-Practice for May Crowning
-Practice/discuss Confirmation and Holy Eucharist in the classroom

-May Crowning Mass 8:45am in the church (LAST 3rd grade Mass of the year)
-Practice/discuss Confirmation and Holy Eucharist in the classroom
-Rehearsal/practice     in the Church

-Practice/discuss and go over any other questions for the big day!

-be there at 11:45 for individual pictures
-group picture is at 12:30 and we'd like everyone there for it
-Confirmation and Holy Eucharist Mass begins at 1:00pm

A look ahead to next week:

I will be sending home the permission slip for Bonanzaville today (Monday). Please get your money and the permission slip back as soon as possible, so we have everything in order for the trip.

The cost will be $3.00 and you will need to send a bagged lunch and a drink with a screw on top. We will have a few coolers, but would prefer to have things that do not need to be cooled, or your own insulated lunch box with an ice pack. Please remember that your child needs to wear uniform of black pants and red shirt for the field trip as well. We'll talk about the weather as we get closer, but hopefully it will be a nice, clear day!

Let mw know if you have any other questions about the trip.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bike Rodeo

The Optimist Club has suggested that we move our Bike Rodeo to a later date due to cold temperatures and the fact that our parking lot still has a lot of snow. The section with snow in our lot is where all of the teachers need to park the day of the rodeo. 

We have moved the Bike Rodeo to TUESDAY, MAY 14th at 1:30pm. Please do NOT send the bike this Thursday (25th). Instead send it on the above date. You can still drop it off in the morning and it will be locked up until the rodeo begins at 1:30. I will still ask the students to bring a change of clothing, so they are not in uniform. Please send clothes appropriate for bike riding and weather. 

I am still  looking for someone or a few people to help out with bikes the morning of the bike rodeo.

I drop off both of my children at different locations (preschool and daycare) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I usually pull into the school lot right at 8am on those days.  I am looking for someone to be at the gym doors for about 15 minutes on Thursday morning. 

Mrs. Kochmann will unlock the gym door at 7:45 and all 3rd grade parents can drop off students and bikes at the gym door. I don't want to leave that area unattended during that time, so if you are able to hang around from 7:45-8:05am, please send me an e-mail ( to let me know. 

It would also be helpful to have another volunteer at the end of the day from about 2:50-3:05 to help get bikes out and back to their owners. If you are able to help out with this part, please let me know as well. 

Thank you for your flexibility with this event. Who knew we'd still be worried about snow piles at the end of April! If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Bike Volunteer!

I am looking for someone or a few people to help out with bikes the morning of the bike rodeo.

I drop off both of my children at different locations (preschool and daycare) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I usually pull into the school lot right at 8am on those days. I know a lot of parents drop off their children before that time, so I am looking for someone to be at the gym doors for about 15 minutes on Thursday morning. 

Mrs. Kochmann will unlock the gym door at 7:45 and all 3rd grade parents can drop off students and bikes at the gym door. I don't want to leave that area unattended during that time, so if you are able to hang around from 7:45-about 8:00am, please send me an e-mail ( to let me know. 

It would also be helpful to have another volunteer at the end of the day from about 2:50-3:05 to help get bikes out and back to their owners. If you are able to help out with this part, please let me know as well. 

Thanks so much! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Report Card Envelopes/Next Few Weeks


I am getting ready to send home trimester 3 midterm grades tomorrow. I noticed that I am missing a lot of the report card envelopes that have been sent home for each trimester and midterm. Please send it back if you happen to have it at home.

Please return the envelopes on Monday after you have seen the midterm grades as well. I will use them one more time this year to send home final grades. Thanks so much! I can't believe we only have a little over a month left to go.


Our week of April 29-May 4th is going to be very busy. We talked about it today in class. We will be practicing for the Spring Concert (April 30th), May Crowning (May 2nd) and Confirmation/Holy Eucharist (Rehearsal May 2nd, BIG DAY!! May 4th). If you have any questions about any of things as they come, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me. We will not have a spelling test or reading test that week.


As of now, our bike rodeo is still planned for next Thursday, April 25th at 1:30pm. You can drop bikes off in the morning at the gym door. We will put them in the corridor between the gym and the outside doors. They will be locked in there when we are not using them. Please make sure your child comes to school with a CHANGE of clothes being it is a Mass day. I don't want them out in the wet parking lot in Mass uniform. We will change right after lunch into bike and weather appropriate clothing. We'll see if it actually gets into the 40's or 50's as we get closer to the date. Also, please be sure to make arrangements to pick up the bikes at the end of the day. The rummage sale will be set up that week, and I would hate for any bikes to be left behind and mistaken for sale. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Trinity Youth Camp

A lot of you probably heard from your child that we had a visit from Trinity Youth Camp on Wednesday. A brochure should have come home with your child as well.

A few things about their visit:

**You can use their website to look for any extra information that you need.

**They mentioned the Red Willow Camp dates fill up quickly because it is the closest to Grand Forks, Fargo, Valley City, Jamestown, Grafton... If you are interested in this one, they asked that you get your registration in as quickly as possible.

**If you are looking for more information on any of the listed camps, you can search any of them and they have their own websites as well.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spelling Tests

We are going to be changing our format on our spelling tests for the last 6 tests of the school year. I will test them on the first 15 words for our pretest on Mondays. If they get 0-3 incorrect they will get the 5 challenge words at the end of our spelling list.

If they get the extra words:
The spelling test on Friday will be out of 20 possible points. We will no longer have bonus points on tests.

If they do the regular 15:
The spelling test on Friday will be out of 15 possible points. I won't have bonus points for this test either.

I will enter the tests as two separate assignments in the grade book, so your child will only have possible points for the test he or she has taken.

I like to change it at the end of the year to show a more accurate grade in spelling. If you have any questions after you see the first test come home this Friday, please let me know. Thanks!